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Tag: Solar solutions

WasteWater Treatment Plants get the solar treatment

We are not sure if this is a world first, but possibly a European first.  We have designed a 26 panel, 10KW inverter solar system that sits over a WasteWater Treatment Tank in Co. Galway.


The client wanted to:

  • Lower the on-going cost of electricity at a WasteWater Treatment Plant in Co. Galway
  • Take active steps to comply with their Carbon reduction obligations

The structure had to match the local site requirements and fit into a pre-existing treatment tank that was being upgraded.

S O L U T I O N 

We designed a made to measure canopy structure that would hold 26 bi-facial panels – 15KWP. The design allows the array to sit above a wastewater treatment tank. The advantages of this solution were that minimal groundworks were required. The site in question has very little additional space to site any other solar PV deployment, therefore upgrading the space at the tank was the most efficient solution.  Our solution also allows for additional panels to be added in the future as required.

B E N E F I T S 

1. Upgraded under-used space. We were able to give the client a solution that would fit into the current wastewater treatment tank, without the need to use valuable real estate for the solar array. 

2. Optimal orientation of Solar array

Another benefit of our solution is that the client now has a solar array oriented due South, maximising solar gain.

3. Reduction in running costs

The electricity usage of the site lent itself perfectly to a Solar PV deployment. Overall our system will generate significant savings each year on electricity costs.

P R O J E C T  P A R T N E R S 

We would like to thank the end client, Údarás na Gaeltachta, for their vision along with all our other project partners – Máirtín Ó Flatharta Teo (Contractors), Ryan Hanley, EPS, Rexel, and Solartricity

If you have a complicated site that requires a special Solar PV solution, get in touch with the team at

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